Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Media Project

I used all sorts of media for the week that I recorded

  • TV- most
  • Radio
  • IPod
  • IPad
  • Texting
  • Phone (conversation)- least
  • Going to the movies ( Gnomeo and Juliet)
  • Internet

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Links to Three Classmates Blogs-

I'm not sure if I am doing this correct... So I just picked the people above and below my name on the class wiki.

Nicole's Blog

Our Professor's Blog

Bruce Carpenter

Armando Miller

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Introduction- About Me

About Me-

Hey Guys,

My name is Emily and this is my third semester here at FCC. I am a general studies major here but I want to major in Fashion Merchandising. I love everything that involves fashion! (Hence why I want to be a fashion merchandiser.) I am thinking about attending Indiana State University in Terra Haute for fashion merchadising. (Hopefully, that will happen in a year) You are probably asking how does a girl from Texas come to Maryland. My dad is in the Army and we got stattioned here. I decided that it would be in my best interest that I move with my family.  I am the youngest of three girls and I have a cocker spaniel named Chloe. (She was born in Alaska!!!) I love to travel and spend time with my family and friends. Most frequently my family vacations in Disney World!!! ( I love the whole aspect of Disney and Disney World) The most exciting news is that I am going to be an Aunt in July!!! Well that's about all about me. If you have questions feel free to ask!!